01592 642336Rape Crisis helpline 08088 01 03 02 daily 5pm-12am

Christmas Update 2022

Well, what a whirl wind of a year it has been for us at FRASAC!

Logo rebranding, increased staff, increase and change of funding, change of management structure, new BOD members, and a big volunteer recruitment drive and training at the end of this year.

We had to start 2022 with our waiting list closed but we are so pleased to say that not only were we able to re-open our waiting list for new referrals, we can currently offer clients a first appointment within 4-8 weeks (depending on availability) thanks to the hard work of our staff team.

We have lost a few great team members throughout the year who have moved on to new roles and we wish them well! We have also gained some amazing new team members along the way – recruitment has been an ongoing theme with us this year.

With the growth in team members has come our growth and participation within the community. A few of the events we have attended this year include: What Were You Wearing Exhibit, Fife College Fresher’s Fayers, 16 Days of Activism, Reclaim the Night March, and Alcohol Awareness Week to name a few. And this is just the beginning, we are looking forward to working with more partnership agencies and the community in the New Year to continue to strive and spread the word of the amazing support and work our staff provide.

Although Covid has not left us, we are learning how to live with the virus and have made progress in the ways in which we work to enable us to keep supporting our staff and clients within the ever-changing Government guidelines

We finished off the year with our AGM and staff vision day at Pettycur Bay very recently. It was so lovely to get to sit with all the team members, BOD members, volunteers and guests. To be able to all come together in the same room for the first time in two years was great. Everyone appreciated the venue and the view – it was a cracking day!

Our office closes to clients and referrals on Thursday 22nd December at 5pm and re-opens on Wednesday 4th January at 8.30am. Our website has loads of information and resources and please remember the Rape Crisis Scotland Helpline will be open daily from 5pm – midnight. They can be reached on 08088 01 03 02. Also, the SARCS self-referral helpline will remain available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week over the festive period. You can phone this dedicated phone line and speak to a specially trained healthcare professional who can arrange the care you might need in the days after experiencing rape or sexual assault. The number is 0800 148 88 88.

Sexual health services including advice on emergency contraception are available during the holidays, all the information can be found at Sexual Health | NHS Fife

We don’t know what 2023 will bring for us, but what we do know is that we will be here to help support survivors of sexual violence. From all of us at FRASAC have a safe and gentle Christmas and New Year.

FRASAC & KASP Newsletter Summer 2022

FRASAC Summer Newsletter


This summer, jointly with KASP (Kingdom Abuse Survivors Project) we published our newly revamped newsletter!


We thought this would be a fantastic opportunity for us to share the changes within FRASAC and KASP and an excellent way to update our partner agencies and services.


We are so excited to be able to share the summer edition of our newsletter with you. The summer edition summarises some of the recent changes and runs with this theme for KASP too. There is also a really informative article written by Barbara-Ann Robb, Gender Based Violence Nurse Co-Ordinator regarding the new Self-Referral Process within Fife.


Our newsletter can be viewed below via Sway:

Watch this space for the next edition of our newsletter. If you would like to sign up to receive our newsletter directly to your inbox, please email us at info@frasac.org.uk stating 'sign me up!'

Are you looking for a volunteering opportunity?

At FRASAC we have the following open opportunities:

- Volunteer Sexual Violence Support Worker (you do not need a counselling degree or counselling experience to volunteer for this position)

- Volunteer Counsellor

- Trainee Counsellor (Student Counsellor in Placement)

To start volunteering with us, all that is required is you to complete a Volunteering Form and return it to us by Friday 30th September, attend an interview and attend all six training sessions throughout October, November and December.

We Need:

  • Empathic and Non-Judgmental Volunteers
  • 12 Months Commitment
  • Good Boundaries
  • Independent Volunteering
  • Ability to give Listening Support
  • Commitment to Personal Supervision, Group Supervision & Line Supervision

If you have any questions please get in touch and we would be happy to have a chat and discuss if this is the right opportunity for you! Call Adriana our Volunteer Co-Ordinator on 01592 642336.

Applicants from a diverse background are encouraged to apply!

The deadline to submit your form is Friday 30th September. Volunteer Training is scheduled to begin on Saturday 29th October (10am – 4pm) to run for six weeks.

All Volunteering Training will be delivered at our High Street Office - 189A High Street, Kirkcaldy from 10am - 4pm and proposed dates are as follows:

29th October | 5th November | 12th November | 19th November | 26th November | 3rd December 2022

If you feel this opportunity is right for you, please request a Volunteering Form by emailing us at info@frasac.org.uk

We would really appreciate it you would share our volunteering opportunities with anyone you think may be interested! Volunteering Opportunities email us at info@frasac.org.uk for more information

Self Referral is here in Fife

Leaflet on SARCS

Monday 4th April was a momentous day for anyone in Fife who has experienced rape or sexual assault, it is now possible to self refer for a forensic examination without having to first report to the police or other healthcare professional to access a Sexual Assault Response Co-ordination Service (SARCS). SARCS will keep this evidence for a period of 26 months, in case people want to tell the police at a later date.

If you have been raped or sexually assaulted within the last 7 days you can access a forensic examination by calling 800 148 88 88. Calls are free from landlines and mobiles and further information is available here www.nhsinform.scot/sarcs

Here at FRASAC we can also help you to access this service and provide support, guidance and advice with the Criminal Justice system, please do call us on 01592 642336 if you need support during office hours. We can also provide free, confidential longer term support should you need it. The Rape Crisis Helpline is also available every day between the hours of 5pm and midnight and can also provide information on self referral, they can be reached on 08088 01 03 02.

We’re delighted that self referral is finally here, it will provide survivors with time to consider their own physical and emotional health and wellbeing and get the support they need for without the pressure of having to report to the police within a very short timescale.

Further information on self referral can be found here.

Do reach out to FRASAC or Rape Crisis Scotland if you need support with self referral, we are here for you we believe you.

Not just a footballing decision

FRASAC written in sand

There has been much written and spoken in the last week regarding Raith Rovers and their signing of David Goodwillie. As noted in FRASAC’s previous statements and those of Rape Crisis Scotland we are pleased the club have acknowledged they ‘got it wrong’ and hope they now have some understanding of the depth of feeling of both the local and wider community around the issue of violence against women.

It has been fantastic to see how many people within the club, its supporters and the public both within and outwith Fife felt the need to stand up and be counted. This gives real hope that whilst there is still a long way to go when we come together we can, and do make a real difference.

We’d like to thank everyone who had contacted or messaged us to offer their support, some of you asked about making a donation and we’re delighted our new platform is now up and running. You can make a donation to FRASAC via our website at https://www.frasac.org.uk/ and click the Donate button or look for us on Just Giving at https://justgiving.com/frsac

Our long term support services have been closed to new referrals, with a few exceptions, for some time now due to the length of our waiting list. We are pleased to be reopening to all new referrals as from Monday 14th February.

So if you’ve been affected by the issues raised this last week, whether you’ve sought help in the past or never talked to anyone please do get in touch if we can help. You can do so by calling us on 01592 642336 or emailing info@frasac.org.uk.
