01592 642336Rape Crisis helpline 08088 01 03 02 daily 5pm-12am


FRASAC written in sand

The FRASAC AGM was once again held on 1st October once again online . The occasion brought together our Board, staff team and members to reflect the year April 2020 to March 2021, such an unprecedented time for all of us.

Mairi our Service Manager spoke about the huge challenges of running services during Covid including a move to online and telephone support to ensure clients continued to receive their valuable support. We were also delighted to hear from Zoe our Crisis & Early Intervention worker who spoke about this vital service which started during this difficult year.

We are hugely grateful for the feedback provided by clients, which helps to inform and improve the service we provide and this year's Annual Report once again focuses on this feedback. Huge thanks to Alison for the wonderful artwork which adorns the front of this document. You are welcome to download the Annual Report from our Organisational Documents page, we hope you enjoy reading it.

FRASAC are pausing in taking referrals for long term support

Picture of tshirts designed by clients

As from Monday 20th September FRASAC will be pausing taking referrals for our long term support services. This pause is to ensure that the best services can continue to be delivered to clients currently in the service and to allow FRASAC time to recruit and train further support staff as we expand our service which will be launched in January 2022.

This expansion of services will assist in addressing the long waiting list that our clients have been experiencing. We will continue to take referrals from anyone who has been assaulted in the last four weeks and for people who have criminal justice needs. If you are currently on our waiting list you will maintain your place, please do keep us up to date with any changes to your contact details or if you no longer require support.

We appreciate this might be difficult, do remember you can access the Rape Crisis Helpline every day between 6pm and midnight by calling 08088 01 03 02. You can also access lots of useful resources including Rape Crisis Scotland leaflets through our website at https://www.frasac.org.uk/about-resources/

Volunteer News from FRASAC

Painted Stones made by the mojo group

Lindsay, Volunteer Co-ordinator

“We’re delighted to welcome 8 new volunteers to our service. All come with a range of backgrounds and experience and we are lucky to be able to offer more appointments to clients in the evenings. Our volunteers are the backbone of our service and we are lucky to have a great team to assist our staff in supporting clients.”

Meet our Volunteers!

We asked some of our our volunteers to tell us about their experience with FRASAC.


Helen has volunteered with FRASAC for eight years, starting out in a Volunteer Counselling Support role. Since then she has completed a diploma in Counselling and has recently completed Supervising skills. Helen is a valuable member of the FRASAC team. Here is her experience working as a Volunteer:

‘I started volunteering eight years ago as a Counselling Support Worker after completing a counselling skills course. I had no previous experience and was nervous to begin with, but was soon able to help clients make sense of how they felt as a consequence of their experience. I love working with the client base. Their courage to walk through the door is inspiring and the commitment they have on their journey is humbling. FRASAC is a great organisation with a lot of support in place so you never feel alone. I received training which included role-play, scenarios and the space to explore issues which may come up in a safe training environment. This made it easier and I felt more comfortable when it came to working with clients. I also receive regular external supervision. The training is an important part of volunteering to feel prepared and allows anyone to explore whether this area of counselling and the client base is right for them.’


Ros volunteered with FRASAC for two years before becoming a paid member of staff. This is her experience:

‘I began volunteering with FRASAC as a Volunteer Support Worker. I enjoyed helping clients and supporting them with what was going on in their lives. Volunteering gives people the chance to join an organisation and be part of the culture. It allows you to learn the aims and values. When the post came up at FRASAC I felt ready to change roles as I already knew the company and enjoyed working with staff.

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