01592 642336Rape Crisis helpline 08088 01 03 02 daily 5pm-12am

Experiencing sexual violence can be really scary at any age but when you are a child, especially a very young child you might not understand what has happened and it can be really confusing. Sometimes when the person who has/is abusing you is someone you care about/love it can make it even harder to understand and talk about.

When we refer to young people, we mean young people between the ages of 12 & 25. 

It’s my fault…

Many children/young people feel like it is there fault that they were/are being abused.

It is never, ever, your fault that you are being abused or hurt. All children and young people have the right to live a life free from abuse and being hurt. If someone has told you that it is your fault, they are telling you this because they know what happened should not have happened, and they don’t want you to talk about it.


No-one will believe me …

Talking about abuse can be really hard. Sometimes you will have tried to tell someone but they haven’t understood or listened to you. Sometimes you tried to tell someone, and they didn’t believe you. Keep trying, someone will believe you and support you. Speak to an adult you trust such as a family member, carer, teacher, doctors, nurse. You can also call us at FRASAC or the National Rape Crisis Helpline (number below) and speak to us. We will listen to you, we will believe you and we will support you.


Who you can call …

  • If you are in danger call the Police on 999.
  • Rape Crisis Scotland Helpline – 5pm-Midnight daily on 08088 01 03 02
  • Childline – 0800 1111
  • FRASAC – 01592 642336 
  • Fife Social Work on 03451 551503 or e-mail sw.contactctr@fife.gov.uk
  • If you need advice in the evening or at weekends, contact a social worker on the Out of Hours number 03451 550099